Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's not just a "massage" when you have breast cancer.

There are some interesting statistics about breast cancer put out by the American Cancer Society.  Between 2006-2010, the median age at the time of a breast cancer diagnosis was 61.  In that same time, a woman living in the USA had a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer, up from a 1 in 11 risk in 1970.  Caucasian women appear to have more occurrences of breast cancer, especially in later years.

As of January 1, 2012, there were 2.9 million women who were living with a breast cancer diagnosis, cancer-free and not.  Survival of breast cancer was increased by 34% between 2000 to 2010, due in part to early detection and more effective therapies.  Some keys to healing from breast cancer are strengthening the immune system, diminishing stressors on the body, improving mood (positive attitude), dealing with the side effects of treatment, and finding positive avenues to deal with the variety of emotions that arise with a diagnosis of breast cancer.

A study, published in the July 2004 Journal of Psychosomatic Research, showed positive benefits for women with breast cancer.  It was concluded that “Women with Stage 1 and 2 breast cancer may benefit from thrice-weekly massage therapy for reducing depressed mood, anxiety, and anger and for enhancing dopamine, serotonin, and NK cell number and lymphocytes.”  Why might this be? Various massage studies have shown that:

Massage is effective in reducing stress by reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood.

Massage is an effective treatment for reducing pain and muscle tension.

Some people enjoy massage because it can be a safe, comforting place, and it provides a connection with another person.

Anxiety and depression are relieved with massage therapy.

                  Massage can boost white blood cells count. 

Massage therapy, in this day and age, is not just another pamper session.  I would encourage you to schedule regular sessions with me, or with a local-to-you valuable therapist.  And if you are facing the cancer monster, it is vital to your success that you include massage therapy in your treatment plan.

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